Burmakin: Your majesty, Can you do Burmese a favor? Injustice is prevailing in
King of Angels: Why you say this constitution is unfair?
Burmakin: So obvious. They are trying to legitimize the military people as a class of the specially privileged.
King of Angels: I don’t think this is a problem. The whole world is replete with such kinds of people who have such kind of either official or non-official special privileges. Since lies have started to appear in the world, the moral order of the world is always retrogressive. In the very beginning, the universal laws could punish would-be-Devadatt because this was the first time violation against the moral authority. But that was long time ago. A great nostalgia for your human beings!
Burmakin: Yes. The earth snapped open and devoured the King who lied by substantiating the elder one as the younger brother and the younger one as the elder brother. Today, the evil military also pronounces a skyful of lies. Why the universal laws couldn’t punish the evils as before?
King of Angels: My son, when people frequently do the wrong things, this becomes a custom and then it gets to be entrenched in the culture and at last even transforms into the order of the universe. Initially lies are regarded as abnormal behavior. Discrimination is regarded as despicable. Getting special privileges is dishonorable. But remember this is the age of decline. As time ebbs, more and more immoral things are depleted from an abnormal domain (set). They come to be listed in the normal domain (set) of human. And we divine either.
Burmakin: Your majesty, if you don’t mind I like to object your statement. For me, there is not such a normal set for arraying good acts. There is also no abnormal set counterpart for hoarding the evil behaviors either.
Burmakin: All religions of the world tend to say that there is a heaven to hold all the good people. They also tend to say there is also a hell to hold all the bad people.You also tend to get two separate domains of the evils and the saints for your justice management of the stick and carrot system.Probably not in reality, your majesty. After seeing my theorem, you come to fathom that a person is neither dead nor alive. A person will also be either dead or living as this theorem will verify.You can’t believe it? Neither your dog-skin book nor the golden book can hold the sets for recording the good (normal) and the bad (abnormal) people.Because there is no universal set qualifying for those names of mutually exclusive qualities.The fundamental thinking in believing the world system to be a nature of dialectics will be derided to the ground zero by atomic bombing of this theorem.
King of Angels: I know there are many mysterious things in this world. I could believe if you can convince me this statement with any good reasoning.
Burmakin: I will prove this statement with Mathematics. You know, in many ways, Mathematics is a virtually perfect presentation of the universe.
King of Angels: When science principles get more and more credit in your human world, the humanity principles of Buddhism probably need to be in synergy with principles of Mathematics of physical sciences.This could probably be the evolution of your human Buddhism in the future.OK! Let’s see your logic. I will appreciate it.
Burmakin: I argue that no set can be a normal set OR an abnormal set at the same time. After seeing my proof of this theorem, the answer will be first produced to affirm that a set is either a normal set or an abnormal set. Then it comes to the conclusion that a set is neither a normal set nor an abnormal set. And both positions will be self-contradictory conclusions. Then it comes to my historical continuation of “Nothing in the Universe to Everything in the Universe ” that is also a self-contradictory argument.
Alertness: People who read the following derivation of the theorem should use utmost of their brain to understand its logic. You could probably face depression and nausea even if you are an inborn mathematical genius. I recommend that you should read again and again if you don’t understand the theorem immediately.
Proving that there is no set qualifying for the set of all normal sets or all abnormal sets.
Let's set A be the set of all special privileged classes in | | |
Military people are specially privileged people in | | |
Therefore Set A contains military people of | | |
However there can be other specially privileged people like the thug justice, Aung Toe. | | |
Then Set A is not equal to the set of all military people. | | |
Military people are just a subset of Set A. | | |
The set of all specially privileged people in | Let's define this kind of set that is not equal to its member as a normal set | |
Then Set A, the set of all special privileged people is a normal set. | | |
Let R be the set of all sets that are not the members themselves. | By our above defined criteria , R is the set of all normal sets. | The reader can also assume R as the universal set that includes all injustice people in the world. Injustice prevailing in this world is a normal happening. Isn't it? |
My question is if R is a normal set or not? | | |
If R is a normal set, it should not be its member itself. | If R is not its member itself, then R is not a normal set. | Because R contains all the normal sets |
Then R is an abnormal set | If R is an abnormal set, R should be its member itself | Then R is a normal set |
The answer is R is either a normal set or an abnormal set (OR)
R is neither a normal set nor an abnormal set.
So the desire of the King of Angels to have the exclusive ALL INCLUSIVE lists of the evil people and the good-hearted people is impossible. Because the list that contains all evils is not a list of evils. It is also not the list of the saints either. At the same time, it is also a list of evils and a list of saints. This is impossible for our human reasoning, too.However the theorem that applies this great endowment of our human reasoning verifies it. Nothing is everything and nothing is nothing (OR) Nothing is not everything and nothing is not nothing!
To be cont....