Mickey Mouse: Pigeon is also online.
Do you have to work today?
Burmakin: Yes.
Pigeon is chatting with these topsy-turvy girls on the internet.
7:57 AM
Mickey Mouse: great for him!
Burmakin: Everybody has his own preference. This is called Karma
7:58 AM
Mickey Mouse: what? Preference is not Karma. Karma is deed.
7:59 AM
Burmakin: Karma is not deed. Karma is preference.
Mickey Mouse: Karma is deed. Not preference.
8:00 AM
Burmakin: Then this is your preference.
***It is recommended that before studying this article, it would be useful if the reader could read in advance Why some animals are more equal than others Part I
Critical Questions Towards a Naturalized
kar·ma (kär?m?) noun
1.Hinduism & Buddhism. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
2.Fate; destiny.
3.Informal. A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling: There's bad karma around the house today.
[Sanskrit, deed, karma.]
The American Heritage Dictionary Third Edition.
It is so silly to interpret Karma as a preference.Even a child knows Karma is deed.The principle of Karma is that simple. If you do good,you will earn good. You sow a good seed, you will get a good tree .You sow a bad seed, you will get a bad tree. There is no need to confuse this principle that is brought by a Western thinker.Those Westerners deride our Burmese Buddhist concepts.
Burmakin should learn the dictionary in advance.Better to learn Dhama padda carefully.The principle of Karma is elaborated in details in "Farm" chronicles by Buddha.
Ko Nyan Lin
Dear Burmakin,
I appreciate all your efforts to enlighten this self-constrained and misguided community of Burma (for more than a thousand years,they have been misguided that they haven't noticed yet)However,be careful about the fact that this country is prevailed by Buddhism fundamentalists .
To Anonymous:
Don't call us Buddhism fundamentalists. We have to strictly follow what Buddha said. If you cannot follow or agree with what Buddha said, it is up to you.
Beware the fact that merely opposing what Buddha said or having different/own interpretation does not make you more educated/wiser guy in appearance.
Do not make a fashion to call devout buddhists fundamentalists. There is no fundamentalists in buddhism, only believers/practitioners and non-believers/non-practitioners.
You said we are misguided. Can you give a point where we are misguided? I am just curious. You have to say by pointing reference which must be said by Buddha because we are Buddhists and we only truely believe in Buddha.
I think anonymous is right if he is speaking of dormant or submissive fundamentalism of Burmese Buddhists.I don't think he/she means militant fundamentalism that is a prevailing problem of the contemporary world.
At least Burma can be dubbed as a country with people of militant fundamentalism.In getting the independence from the British colony,there were choices of independence time,to decide in astrological perspectives,what Burmese want for their future. In their arrogant illusion of so-called driving out the British and Japanese by this small Burmese army, the Tibeto-Burmans at that time were deluded to choosing a time for the future unflappability of their Burmese military.This was the choice of Burmese to be militant in getting the independence in their presumptuous arrogance to level down the empires and world military superpowers in the future. It seems to be that this damned star effect of 4:20am, Jan 4 1948 setup is still prevailing today.This is one less-unknown part of how the militant fundamentalism of Burmans have decided their own bad future.
It may be true that the astrological choice of Myanmar's independence has military favoritism.Then what?
Who is telling you that Burmese are Tibetans? Burmese are in their origin, Kshatriyas and the original blood of Buddha.The meaning of Kshatriyas is "the King and Warrior". We call ourselves Mahanwe- blood relatives of Kings and Takinwe- blood relatives of warriors.In brief, we Burmese are royal warriors and we should be very proud of our good coming identity.
It is our great honor to be Burmese.It is our full pride to be royal warriors.The buildup of a good and modern army is the duty of the Burmese as royal warriors in their origin.In our history, the role of military should always be a priority as we Burmese are the inborn royal warrior leaders who exercise their military power fairly and squarely for defending our integrity and safeguarding the originality of our pure Buddhism.
These are some of my notes about Tibeto-Burmans:
“…tradition and comparative physiology agree in pointing to North-Western China between the upper course of the Yangtze Kiang and of the Hwang Ho as the original home of the Tibeto-China race, to which the Tibeto-Burman and the Siamese-Chinese groups belong”.
--Dr. Grierson
The First people who migrated from China were the Mon-Khmer races, and the second wave was that of the Tibeto-Burman races which consist of the Zomi, the Burmese, Lolo, Kachin, etc. The third wave was that of the Tai-Chinese consisting of Shan, Siamese, Karen, etc. The Mon-Khmer group moved first from Central Asia and entered into the Indo-Chinese peninsula.
-- http://www.zogam.org/history.asp?article=history_14
The hypothesis that the Burmese language reached Burma by a migration of people from Tibet is an attempted explanation of the language distribution of Tibeto-Burman languages. If the Tibeto-Burman languages in Burma are more diverse than those of Tibet, it would appear possible to entertain the hypothesis that The Tibetans came from Burma. … Strictly speaking, the possibility with the least probability that Tibetan was always spoken in Tibet and Burmese always spoken in Burma, for “always” would include the time at which Tibetan and Burmese were the same language; to meet the requirement, proto Tibeto-Burman would then have to be spoken on both sides of the non-existent border between Tibet and Burma.
The frontiers of “Burma”,comment
Isidore Dyen
Origin of the Tibeto-Burman peoples
The Tibeto-Burmans in Southeast Asia primarily took a migration route from western China, expanding southward into the Himalayas of Tibet, and southeast into Burma. Comparative linguistics suggests that the Tibeto-Burman ethnic groups are part of a larger ethnicity referred to as Sino-Tibetan. The Sino-Tibetan, Hmong-Mien, Tai and Austronesian ethnicities all have high incidence of Y-DNA haplogroup O, which suggests a common ancestral ethnicity along the lines of 35,000 years ago in an area within the borders of the present-day Peoples Republic of China.
Origin of the Karen
The Karen people's ancestors were from Tibet, and are Tibeto-Burman, and therefore distantly related to the Lolo.
It now seems more probable that the nucleus of the Tibeto-Burman family started down through West China to their present habitat, they branched off from a great central group that sent still another unit across Mongolia and down through Korea to Japan.
C.K Parker
Then Burmese are even of the same origin as Japanese and Koreans. This could be correct. As the Koren girl friends of Burmakin(not lovers) told Burmakin that Burmakin is looking like a Korean movie star.Similarly,the Japanese girl friends (also not lovers) told Burmakin that Burmakin is looking like a Japanese movie star in brown color -:)))But No India girl friend told me that Burmakin is looking like sharukh-khan.-:)))
This is merely a slavish copying of the works of foreign researchers. There is no originality in Burmakin's argument.An argument should be based on one's own inspiration and original idea.
Royal Mya ,
I like ur idea about having ur own idea :)) But ur idea is based on which institutional background ?
Hi royal mya,
I feel most funny reading ur comment. ::DDDD
Burmese r inborn warriors?
Then may be those tribes in Africa who is still waging wars (:D) among their villages must be great warriors tribes.
It is our great honor to be Burmese.It is our full pride to be royal warriors.The buildup of a good and modern army is the duty of the Burmese as royal warriors in their origin.In our history, the role of military should always be a priority as we Burmese are the inborn royal warrior leaders who exercise their military power fairly and squarely for defending our integrity and safeguarding the originality of our pure Buddhism.
Hi Mya,
We shold call ourselve GOD.
Our country is The Great Land of the Greatest God.
Who the f**k we need to care. Its what we call ourselves.. ya? yo agree? :D
We call ourselves Mahanwe- blood relatives of Kings and Takinwe- blood relatives of warriors.In brief, we Burmese are royal warriors and we should be very proud of our good coming identity.
Warriors’ Pledge
We warriors are proud to make bull-carts.
We know how to make knifes and bows – enough to conquer the world.
We don’t care!
Cows are our brothers.
Buffalos are our brothers.
We don’t care!
We are Mahanwe.
We don’t care!
The sun will rise from that direct place and set at this place.
We don’t care!
There is only great on this earth.
We are Mahanwe.
We don’t care!
We are the greatest.
We are the proudest.
This will go on forever!
We don’t care!
I am interested at BLB's talk about the choice of military domination for choosing Jan 4 in 1948 in getting independence from British.
I recalculated the position of planets for that time.BLB was right.The planet Mars,the god of wars, was in its highest ascendant position at that time.
Thanks very much for this kind of information that we as common Burmese rarely noticed.
Interesting article as for me. It would be great to read something more about this theme. Thanks for posting that material.
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