Year 950,586,431,888,522
Long ago, a prophet called Burmakin was lying in his death bed. He told his grandson these final words for a brave new world in the future.
“Everything in the universe will be simplified. Then nothing will become simple”
After Burmakin’s demise, children all over the world chanted this very short sentence as his foretelling for the future world.
“Trinity knows, and does everything so he will rule the world. The universal monarch will rise up, and either he knows or does nothing.”
Soon after, the sun of our solar system was deviated from its path. After eight minutes, when the gravity effect of the sun on the Earth was completely terminated, the Earth found herself travelling with a very, very rapid spinning speed in the space. The scientists at the 21st century thought that people would freeze to death after the first 8 minutes. However, unexpected things happen; mankind was saved by numerous eruptions of volcanoes which took place in a series to warm up the air. Of course, millions of lives were washed out by the gushing streams of lava. However, people were fortunate enough to capitalize the time of this lava age. They could build up the heat-producing factories to save the next generations of the evolving ice ages.
After countless generations, the flying earth found her place orbiting a giant black hole surrounded by a super cluster of stars. The people called this star group “Coma” because people of all races got to forget all the inheritances of their civilizations by a very mysterious influence from the astrologic power of this giant star group. The time loops were also warping back into the past rather than going towards the future, along which, the rational thinking of mankind was also reversed. So the Burmese military junta, the low in the long, long past, then became the most noble and the royally charismatic in the eyes of these modern people. Then, all people around the world, as well as land, sea and sky animals, even including bacteria, viruses and parasites, in their mutual consent, voted the Burmese junta as the absolute ruler of the world.
However, the Burmese military junta itself was traveling back in the time loops. In a similar fashion with the people, all their rational thinking is also upside down. Instead of enjoying their supreme rule upon the whole world, they were desperately finding Trinity of everything and nothing day and night to prove Burmakin’s prophecy to be true. For an exact match of his name as Trinity, He the One, should not be a normal human; rather an integration of three supreme entities. For not violating the principle of Burmakin’s prophecy, this absolute ruler of the universe was obliged to know and do everything, and nothing, too
No sooner did they find the Trinity, a bloodless coup was created. The Burmese junta coronated Him with all his accrued sublime power. The Burmese junta is contented itself as a servant, and also played the role of an irredeemable sycophant as well to serve the unrivaled power of this greatest monarch for his whole life. In the newspapers, the junta’s official position was described as the prime minster. However, in his Holy Royal Highness’ palace, the junta was just a puppy to the Supreme Him. Nonetheless, in his military headquarters, the junta was looking so graceful with hundreds of badges and bars blessed by the his Supreme Highness, manning his regular operations of spying, interrogating and eliminating every possible enemy that will disturb the security and stability of our holy planet that is now incredibly enlightened by his Royal Highness.
Of course, the Supreme Him was not a jobless vagabond on the streets of New York, Geneva and Rangoon before. Great thanks to Burmese U Thant and Leydon S Johnson, he has held a very official, critically important and monopolized job throughout the world history. Our Planet Earth now has the new name, called “The Planet Humanity” that is for honoring the past job of this monarch. All characters of the name of the monarch are decreed to be written in upper case. No linguist is capable of pronouncing his name, showing his untrammeled grandiosity different from the earthy human dictators in the past (future).
The intimidating name of his Royal Highness, the greatest, is PDNU_FECINU_OHW. People sometimes like to call him just Trinity as his name has three components. But they dare not call it, for not calling the monarch by its real name is worth a death penalty. The Trinity firmly believes that the name, Trinity, is just a generic and he doesn’t like to be ranked the same as the generic gods of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. He holds these truths to be self-evident that not a soul on earth is able to see a testimony of how a single god of any religion can have saved the world. He claimed himself as the only and real Savior of mankind as practically, he himself , the only is able to show all the magic of his Savior’s ability before the naked eyes of the people.
Please use a mirror to be able to pronounce this great universal monarch’s name. But nobody in this future is able to pronounce it because when people see the transposed characters in a mirror, their newly devolutionary brains always transpose it back to the original position. The optic nerve tracts of new human brains no longer decussate in crisscross patterns to form optic chiasma but rather with running in a parallel fashion. The monarch, endorsed by the Burmese junta affirms the people that the mankind of his brave new age will no longer be in illusion about their perception as their rewired eyes are able to see the reality as the world itself is. The whole population of the world is convinced daily by the world leading newspapers like The Wall Street, The New York Times and The Washington post that were now under the complete control of the Burmese junta, the golden message for all humankind from his Royal Highness who claims that man has accomplished all his complicated tasks of civilizations and their history, and now human kind becomes completely rational, and absolute simple.
Let’s call this tedious monarch as short as PFO for his acronym. As he is travelling back
very fast in the time loop, there is a chance that we could probably were charged a death penalty for not calling his actual name if he has finally reached our current time of 21st century. Don’t worry about it; I will march in front to receive his death penalty. As PFO is able to rise in the future because of Burmakin’s deathbed prophecy, if he were to come at present and to kill Burmakin for violating his supreme rule, he was never be able to rise up in the future as Burmakin has not been in the deathbed and has not made this prophecy yet at current time. He was not able to rise up in the future means he couldn't come to our present for carrying out his royal order for executing Burmakin.
Well, we are now in the great palace of His majesty, PFO.
“Yes, Nga SPDC, what is it now? You have promised me many actions for the past fifty years. Are you wasting my time with another progress report of setting up a new propaganda for these dumb people?”
“Please your Royal Highness, this lowly, worthless creature should die ahead. I am trying to propagandize the meaning of Trinity to your boar citizens. I am still confused about how nothing and everything is related to Trinity of your majesty”
“As long as you live, you should remember everything what I once told you before. You are the dullest Burmese on earth; how you had been bred up in your Burmese culture? Have you never seen before in your Burmese culture, the monks are reciting and so bright and tame people are able to repeat everything like the parrots? Savage, cave man, uncastrated!”
“I should really die, Venerable Sir. Please kindly reward me again your great message about the meaning of Trinity to your very unintelligent creature.”
His Royal Highness, PFO, frowns for a moment. Then he relaxed his lofty eye brows.
“OK, this is the last time I will recite the meaning of everything and nothing related to Trinity, no more in future, you swine!”
His Royal Highness spews the followings as if horses are galloping very fast on the main road, and SPDC, the sycophant, followed in a hurry what the Great He deciphered the code of Trinity.
“The meaning of Trinity for everything and nothing comes just in three Universal Truths. Ganahi, you Burmese SPDC! (Ganahi = a Pali word, remember)
Universal Truth Number One (in Burma): OHW knows everything but does nothing
Universal Truth Number Two (in Burma): PDNU knows nothing and does nothing
Universal Truth Number Three (in Burma): FECINU knows nothing but does everything
That is called Trinity for nothing and everything. Ganahi again, you SPDC, as numb as the donkey”
“So funny, sorry sir, many inexpressible thanks for your generic existence for Burmese, Sir”, SPDC immediately saved his laugh.
His Royal Highness raised his eyebrows again. He was smart enough to know that his puppy was laughing at him in secrecy.
“My servant, I think for such kind of forgetfulness of your human weakness, I Trinity suggest we should now practice the continuous medical education of Burmese Ministry of Health. This means I as the supreme dictator of the universe, will no longer let you chief executive officer to be able to stay in peace. In the future and throughout the past, I will reexamine you again and again whether or not you still remember the concepts I have taught to you.”
“Your command is my wish, sorry sir, my wish is your command, sorrier sir, and your wish is my command”. In his bad fear, SPDC was stammering. Probably it was called
wipet in Buddha’s Dharma (reflexivity of Karma) as he had worn out his Burmese medical doctors in the past by keeping them always busy with deliberately created meaningless and endless exams, intending them not to raise these intellectual heads up against his avaricious military dictatorship.
“Let’s start the exam No. 1 now. You are now already too old to remember the meaning of words what I have taught you before”. His Royal Highness was so swift in his mind to start testing the memory strength of his toady, SPDC.
The exam started on the spot in oral form. For comforting the fear of his parasite, PFO is now seemingly on softer terms. Actually he distrusts this sycophant and is conspiring to get a digital record for the proof of this parasite‘s inability so that he could dismiss him later with evidence. Of course, his menial candidate, who in his whole life is ill-bred, stressed, intimidated, and burdened so that he could grapple with such subtle intellectual exam much better if he is oppressed under harsh conditions and condescending treatments. To treat him well is also a legerdemain strategy to make him face unusual conditions so that he was more prone to make the mistakes in answering his tricky questions.
“ My anayvatika (valuable disciple), what is the single, the only adorable, the mono absolute slogan of our Planet Humanity?”
“Great Sir, the single, the only adorable, no choice else, mono absolute slogan in the past, for the present and the forever future of our Planet Humanity, is
Humanity is the body. Yes, your majesty, the body is the end of our humanity that is too simple to be able to be noticed by any gaudy sage of our foolish predecessors in all those useless civilization ages in the past. You, your majesty pioneered this simple concept out the first and foremost. You are so magnanimous to grant all your servants with this nirvana vehicle that led mankind to be reborn as the full-fledged rational and the irreproachably enlightened in your heavenly kingdom”
“Nonetheless, the end is not enough. After knowing the end for sure, you need to find out sinless, morally flawless, and non-culpable means to achieve this impeccably enlightened state. My dear follower, let’s me ask you more about your understanding of my approaches in bringing mankind to this Utopia kingdom of Ends”, PFO is eager to continue his questions, envisioning that tomorrow he is signing a demotion order for this unqualified creature who will be wrenched off by his uncatchable philosophical questions that are to be pursued now.
“Your wish is my command, Sir”. SPDC still needs a higher score to pass the intellectual test. In reality, he will not be a right person to catch up with such intellectual affairs of his smart master. However, the reverse time loops and the coma star effects also delude your majesty into asking the questions that the good common sense of his lowly servant is able to cope with.
“My lovely tutee, let’s we start the question for the means. What is the meaning of the bottom-up approach?”
“ Highly Sir, the bottom-up approach of your erudite theology means
Bottom are always bottom and Up are always up “.
This time, your majesty is satisfied at the sharp snap and lucidly clear thought of the junta. This is the greatest paradigm that sets him up his unflappable confidence to do all his consecrated job for humanity in the past.
“You are absolutely right, to recapitulate in a single sentence, I will say bottom are assumed as never will have the ability to be up”.
“So bright sir, you can simplify these confusing two sentences into such a simple easy one”, the bootlicker is eagerly hoping that the questions will be ended soon.
“And what is the meaning of the human right approaches for the rightless people?”
“Unrivalled sir, human
right approaches mean humans should never be
left. So you should never think about leaving them once you approach them.”
“OK, but you have not answered yet about the rightless people”
“Why not, Sir. The rightless people simply mean these people can never be right, so you always need a correction for the people for becoming right. Me remember Sir, what you have instructed us your insight. As the first principle
never to leave, is always satisfied by the second principle of the rightless people that says the human are
never right. The prima facie is people are never right or will never be right. So you are never expected to leave. A circular reference of your Royal Highness’ humanity work.”
The Burmese junta seems to be becoming more and more brilliant as he treads along these questions. As time loops are warping backwards, the more difficult the question is, the better the junta is able to answer. PFO doesn’t notice it. Nonetheless, he upstarts noticing that the junta has known all the nuances of his ideas behind his brilliant strategies. If it is so, he is very unsafe as this servant is not that idiotic as he has underestimated. If the next question doesn’t work, probably he needs to take time to think another alternative clever strategy for shredding this coward.
“OK the last question to re-stew my great actions, what is the meaning of cultural relativism?”
“Lovely Sir, cultural relativism means in your (organizational) culture, you only deal, treat, recruit and promote the people who are related to you or who are your relatives. That it is, Sir. Now I win the exam with 100% score”.
The junta is rejoicing and dances with great joy as if a drunken female peacock spreads out her tail in front of his majesty's sovereign throne. His majesty is stoop-shouldered, feeling a great ache of humiliation imposed by his own servant that he looked down as too delinquent to catch up with his smart ideas of manipulating the universe.
“The post-colonial human rights era should be looked at as both an end and a means. The end is equal human dignity for all human beings, but the means is that of creating a space for human dignity to be affirmed. And it must be affirmed by the individual person everywhere. This is the process by which the universality of human rights is being realized in practice, out of the vision and project started by the UN in the 1940s”-Abullah An-Na’im
(In the next episode, a guy called Bamakin *a grand, grand, grand… ∞ son of Burmakin* and many of Bamakin’s colleagues are to be executed in the Black hole for their uprising against his majesty’s the holy, absolute slogan-
Humanity is the body. Some of Bamakin’s colleagues found guilty for their partake of this irrational rebel and who will be executed together are Burmese Diamond Bull, May Myanmar, Karaweik Payanug, Akyang Alynnnpar and etc, etc )
This message soothes many tense souls of the sufferers.On the other hand, we shouldn't neglect the passivity arising from the extreme end of this message.We could be on the eccentric end to believe that "try to inure with the evils of this world as it is the evil world,we have to live up with".
If somebody falls onto the ground of earth,he shouldn't quarrel with the earth as this is the earth he stands his feet on.This message is important in this aspect to extenuate the violent nature of we humans. Instead, he should be curious why he falls onto the ground while others do not. Is his ground uneven?Is he careless and strayed in his thoughts?Is he in a rush?Or somebody trusts him? Or it is an earthquake force as happened in China that makes him stumble down? Or it is just his Karma to fall onto the ground?
My opinion for this peaceful message is explored on another aspect of a piece of wisdom,namely prudence.If we know that falling onto the ground is not good, we should be mindful about such unfortunate risk. We need to take the measures for preventing ourselves from falling onto the ground.
The mis-happening occurring today in Burma and China are somewhat related to this example of falling onto the ground. I like to explain it in the moral aspect.For me, it is like the story of a beggar and a wealthy tycoon.In front of the great mansion and the grandiose park of the tycoon, a beggar was walking. As the road is uneven,the beggar without the foot-wears, also already devastated by malnutrition fell onto the ground.The tycoon saw this event.Nonetheless, it was not he who fell onto the ground. He was also not interested at rebuilding the road to be even as he didn't have such kind of risk the poor beggar faced as he always used his chariot for coming in and going out from his park.
One day, the tycoon was robbed by the rebels.Being afraid of his life,the tycoon tried to run away.But this time, he couldn't use his chariot.He couldn't even have time to take on his footwears. He stepped on the uneven road.He slipped on the thorny pebbles.Then he fell off onto the ground as if happened to the beggar before. The rebels caught him easily and executed his life.Before his last breath,the tycoon repented of "ignorance of his inaction" at the time of his sight of the beggar's accident.Why he was so ignorant of the fact that there was ALWAYS a risk against him for falling onto the ground that he thought it shouldn't be him who would fall onto the ground.
Especially, I like to address such kind of last breath thinking of the enlightened tycoon to Burmese population.When we, a Burmese, see another Burmese falling onto the ground, we like to think that it is not we,who will not fall as we don't have such risk.The person who falls onto the ground is worth falling as he has bad Karma for this incident.When somebody is suffering from TB, we like to think that this person is bad and we like to just get away from him for not to be infected.When the Muslims in North Western Burma were deprived of many fundamental human rights, we liked to differentiate ourselves that as they were Muslims, they took the wrong views and were worthy for such sufferings. When Bangladesh faced many natural disasters in 1980s,we liked to believe that these wrong viewers should be punished by Buddhist gods like this. One month before this natural disaster in Burma, some government mouthpiece columnist wrote in the junta's newspaper that we as a Buddhist country would always be free from three kinds of great mis-happenings: famine,pestilence and natural disaster. However, this is also a traditional belief that validate majority of Burmese to hold a positive attitude for their oppressed living under this wicked military dictatorship.
Under the 46-year military rule in Burma, we Burmese are looking like this ignorant tycoon seeing the falling of one beggar after another.The social structures of our Burmese society are falling one after another under the crush down of this self-overprotected government.Many unfair trials,many unjustified verdicts were executed. Many lives were vainly lost in carelessness as well as intentional deprivation of this totalitarian regime.The living Burmese today, in this continuum of a ghostly atmosphere where people around him were lost one after another day and night, tried to imagine that my Karma should not be that bad to fall onto the ground.Eventually,no matter how they tend to shun away from the bad Karma,the vicious moral cycle of the triumph of evils in Burma, has now got its greatest hit on millions of lives of Burmans now.At this time, they should think about the fact that why they have already let a person falling onto the ground.Why they never have thought that why this person should fall onto and why he can't?
The principle of morality is very strict for the need of coherence.If we say the first precept,"not to kill and use violence", it does not mean violence is defined only when a million people are killed. Unfair violence against even an animal is the breakdown of this moral principle.Very bad examples of illusive Burmese thinking are- as they are Muslims, they should be treated like this; as they are non-educated barbarian Karens, they should be treated like this; as they didn't have good Karma, they should not enjoy this. As they were not Buddhists, they were not worthy of it.
There is no reason for Buddha to say that beating a Muslim is fair and beating a Buddhist is not fair. If you beat a human with violence, this is, of course, violence and you violated Buddha's rule of moral conduct.Buddha will condemn you for this immoral doing,your unfair thinking and your shameful self-proclaimed honor as a Buddhist.
Buddha ever taught Rahula, " My dear son,if it is for the principle of not telling the lies, even a funny piece of humor should not be talked".We have irresponsibly allowed countless moral misconducts of this Burmese regime;we thought in self-optimism that that still is not bad.That is a small measurement. That is not my circle of concern. That is not my circle of influence.This social passivity, tremendously ignorant validation for allowing people falling onto the ground and triumph of the legitimacy of immoral happenings strangling our society day by day,all these- finally made the stakes of million lives in this disaster.It is looking like a Buddhist story of the king caught by a Genie. The King had promised the Genie that he would reimburse the flesh of human every day for pardoning his life.First,he used the prisoners under death sentences.The public ignored that as the victims were criminals who were already dead.When the prison ran out of criminals,the king used the elderly men on the ground that they were not productive to society any more.Some suffered for their old parents but majority didn't. When the elderly were fresh out,the king used the neonates on the ground that they were not ready for production of society.Many cried in agony for their sons and daughters but still it was not them who would be fresh meat to the Genie.Then what was the final result,when all neonates were depleted? A "countrywide death lottery" every day and if you won that unlucky draw, you had to give your blood and flesh to the wicked demon for sake of the luxury and existence of this long-live brutal king.
The Western social contract theorists are essentially pessimistic in nature,meticulously defensive to fairness and justice in every available effort and assertiveness.For John Locke,it was fully legitimate to overthrow any form of tyranny.For Hayek,any form of violation of individual liberty will lead finally to the total serfdom of mankind.For Rawls, people in original position has only one key word-"finding a compromise for your minimal worst and justice as fairness" is the only outlet.
When a Burmese falls onto the ground,we have never thought what kinds of unfairness drive him fall onto the ground.When the criminals were taken away for sacrifice to demon,people in ancient East never thought that they should revolt against this brutality and unfairness.By contrast,western enlightened philosophers tried to trace forth and back for origin of any piece of evil happening to their dark ages giving birth to the rise of democracy, the ability to overthrow any government who let their people fall onto the ground .They were non-Buddhists.But they were full of mindful fear.I was shy for the fact that we Burmese were never centered on mindful fear that was the greatest word uttered by Buddha in his enlightenment of India.
my related writing on traditional beliefs of Burmese Buddhists and morality:
Recycling is the essential concept in Buddhism
Burmese Junta –Descending Star
Why some animals are more equal than others: Episode I